A young spacer sifting through a wrecked starship finds the last Bible, upending the balance of power in the galaxy for years to come.
Includes the complete 1,300-page The Face of the Deep saga by Steve Rzasa in one ebook volume.
Book 1: The Word Reclaimed
Finders keepers. . .
Spare parts â that's all Baden was looking for. Even then, whatever wrecks the pirates leave to rust in some corner of space are hardly worth the time he spends salvaging them. But a book? A Bible, no less? Now, that's different.
The pages will bring a nice payout, with the content itself maybe more than nice. Baden had thought the secret police erased all trace of religion from the five colonies. But what if the find keeps him?
A talking book should be the least of Baden's worries with the interstellar war storming. Should be. However, when the secret police are tipped off, reclaiming the Word that was abolished years ago, becomes a matter of afterlife and death.
Book 2: The Word Unleashed
Come out, come out wherever you are.
Hiding from the secret police offers Baden time for reflection. Specifically, what has he learned about taking things that don't belong to him? Never again. Ever since he salvaged an outlawed book from a space wreck, life has been damage control.
He should just stop this game of cat and mouse, hand the Bible over to the authorities if they want it so bad. Except, he can't let go of it. And now that Baden's shared what he's read with believers who've been awaiting the book's return, he's realized unleashing the Word is not a matter of hide but seek.
Book 2.5: Broken Sight
Be careful what you fight for...
In a realm where religious freedom has just been restored, Commander Brian Gaudette feels more isolated than before. His wife left with their daughter. His crew is bickering. Even his God seems distant.
A distress call from a remote planet offers him a much needed distraction. But what he finds in responding to it will take focus and backup.
Because, despite best efforts to disband the secret religious police, remnants have been biding their time. And their new found weapon makes up for what they lack in numbers.
With his faith shaken, will Brian's broken sight be strong enough to see him through this conflict?
Book 3: The Word Endangered
So much for peace and quiet.
Now that the government overthrow is said and done, a new frontier awaits colonization.
That's where Zarco Thread and his wife enter. He and Ria head up a surveying crew, commissioned to report on worlds with potential for settlements. However, nothing is settling about what they discover.
A conspiracy threatens to unravel the progress the Five Realms made in the last decade. Not to mention, strain the development of Zarco and Ria's marriage.
This time it's more serious than revenge...
A dominating force exists in the Realm that has recruited their long-time enemies, tempting them with a greater plot, one that will endanger the Word once again.