When a mother puma, an attempt to steal a chicken, she is caught in a trap and dies. The search is on for orphaned cubs.
Will the scientists be able to find the cubs before their time runs out?In this "Biography in Text and Art," Harvill takes original photos as references to create accurate wildlife illustrations. These aren't generic cats, but one particular individual in detail. Pattison's careful research, vetted by scientists in the field, brings to life this this true story of an infant cub that must face a complicated world alone‚ and find a way to survive.
Cutting Edge Environmental ScienceToday, scientists are working to create corridors, places for wildlife to safely travel from one wild place to another. The survival of this puma may depend on how fast scientists can develop corridors in the midst of a heavily populated area. This story shows the results of spreading population and loss of habitat on wild animals.
Explore the animal kingdom with these biographies of a bird, puma, spider, reptile, and amphibian.