The unthinkable has happened.
Painful. Crushing. Traumatic. Confusing.
No chance to say goodbye. No final embrace, kiss, or touch. No opportunity to clear the air, ask and give forgiveness, or make amends.
A life gone.
The tsunami has come, and now you're left standing amid the aftermath.
What do you do?
Reach out and grab the hand of multiple award-winning author and grief counselor Gary Roe. Let him walk with you through this uncharted, forbidding territory. You need a companion who can be a source of comfort, perspective, hope, and healing. Let Gary journey with you through the aftermath and help you pick up the pieces and begin to rebuild your heart and life.
Aftermath was written to...
In Aftermath, you can discover how to...
You didn't choose this road. You woke up on day and found you were on it. You're left standing in amid the aftermath.
But you are not alone. Far from it. Let Aftermath become a understanding companion for you in the days ahead.