Just to say Thank You for checking out this Book I want to give you a copy of my upcoming special report "The Homesteader’s Calendar: Seasonal To-Dos for Sustainable Living & Homestead Survival ".
If you haven’t really considered making your own cleaning products before now, it is very likely that by the end of “DIY Cleaning Products: Homemade Cleaning Recipes for Sustainable Living,” you will be wondering why you waited so long. Doing this yourself is easy, saves a ton of money, and ensures you know what chemicals and other substances are entering your family’s environment.
Best Selling Author Gaia Rodale introduces you to DIY cleaning products, provides a list of the most common ingredients in cleaning product recipes, and lists any special tools and equipment you need to get started. The majority of the guide is packed with recipes for all the different kinds of cleaning solutions you need to clean your house from top to bottom.
You’ll learn just how easy it is to stop spending so much money on heavily perfumed versions of products you can make in your own kitchen for pennies on the dollar. The list of common ingredients, which is fairly short, demonstrates just how simple greener cleaning can be.
You will learn:
With this guide you can toss out all the potentially-toxic, chemical-laden, perfume-heavy high priced cleaning products you grew up using and get started making healthier natural products that will clean your house without endangering your family or your finances.
Just scroll up and get your copy of “DIY Cleaning Products: Homemade Cleaning Recipes for Sustainable Living” you’ll be glad you did!