The gods of old are no more... long forgotten in these webs and knots of fate. Here are the tales of the new. That stretch beyond the plentiful lands and realms of the great tree, across many eyes and ears from mortal to myth, monster to god, child to king. Here are their triumphs and victories. Here are their tragedies and woes. The First and Second of many has arrived. A new seed begins again.
The Faegor Universe Begins... It all begins with The Black Swan.
"The Swan is worth more than a kingdom. Any king or his army. It is more than just a home for the small and weak. It is a symbol, a warning for those beyond our walls. No matter how low they stand when compared to others, still they stand. We still stand as the Swan, the feared and the dangerous. And that is all because of you, An. All because of you. No matter what happens, you will always stand higher than the skies to me."
The Realms of Faegor Continues... With The Raven with Green Eyes.
Dark. Epic. Beautiful. Worlds that embrace power rather than flee from it. If you love fantasy of that nature, then this universe may be for you.