The European Business Review is a leading business intelligence magazine designed to ensure that its readers make informed decisions. It provides them indispensable insight, current best practices and is their best source of new ideas about what’s important. The European Business Review readers embrace leadership in their jobs and their lives. Their affluence, education, achievements, and wide ranging experience are unparalleled. They are the men and women who shape the world we love, the world we live in.
THE PATH TOWARDS TRUSTWORTHY AI IS NO TECH BUT A HUMAN INTELLIGENCE TEST • In the frenzy to champion the potential of trustworthy AI, the recent moves from tech giants offer a reflective pause about one of the most, if not the most important aspects of AI, which, paradoxically, is seldom discussed: the challenge it poses to human intelligence.
ENHANCING OPERATING MODELS' ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT(AIQ) • As organisations tap into the power of Generative Artificial Intelligence to improve business outcomes, it is imperative to examine how it affects their operating models. Only by doing this will companies leverage the power of AI while avoiding its pitfalls.
GETTING CLOSER TO MACHINES WITH MINDFUL STEPS • People have always had a strong tendency to anthropomorphise inanimate objects. Who doesn't know someone who gave a name to their first car? But perhaps we should give more thought to the relationships we enter into with AI systems.
THE KEY SUCCESS FACTORS OF A POWERFUL AI FACTORY • More and more companies are leveraging data and deep machine learning algorithms, leading to the emergence of the “AI factory” model. As with any transformation however, knowing the keys to success makes the difference. This article explores those factors.
2024: WHAT IS THE NEAR FUTURE OF GENERATIVE AI? • Generative AI has already made a big splash, but just how wet we're all going to get in the future is still a matter for speculation. Nevertheless, as you reach for your towel, Jacques Bughin has a few solid predictions for you.
EDGE COMPUTING IN EUROPE: A KEY DRIVER OF BUSINESS INNOVATION • Edge is an essential component of the cloud computing model and has the potential to help enterprises increase speed of action, reduce network costs and boost efficiency. But rapid adoption or higher investment is not enough to get the best value from edge computing. Integration of edge with the enterprise's overall cloud adoption strategy is the way forward.
INNOVATION, THE ART OF ABOLISHING DISTANCE Building the ATTRACT DeepTech Ecosystem • DeepTech technologies have significant effects on the economy and are an avenue to solve many problems humanity faces. However, the vitality of DeepTech projects is linked to the innovation ecosystems in which they are embedded. In this article, Hervé Legenvre explores the role of innovation in DeepTech success using the ATTRACT programme.
WHY WE NEED A RESOLUTION REVOLUTION • If you've ever thought that there must be a more positive, less damaging way of resolving workplace disputes than that offered by the traditional approaches, the resolution framework could well be what you've been looking for.
THE PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE INDIVIDUAL • You must have met a few, or maybe you are working with one right now. Who are passive-aggressive individuals and what makes them tick? Adrian Furnham explores the personality disorder in this article.
REVISITING HR CHALLENGES AT THE DAWN OF 2024 • A new year is always an appropriate time to stop and evaluate progress in any given endeavour and, moreover, to consider any new factors that may have entered into the equation. In HR, as in...