Of all people, why him?
He didn't EVEN bother introducing himself, just assumed I knew him from his fame on the court.
I nearly died on the spot when our professor announced we were permanent lab partners. Between his arrogance and the constant interruption from basketball groupies, there's no way I'll survive this semester.
Sure, he's hotter than anyone I've ever seen in a science lab with his sexy blue eyes, cute dimple, and muscles for days - but I can't afford his kind of distractions.
Okay. Deep breath.
I can do this.
After all, it's only one semester.
Just when I think my self-control is in check, he does something to show me that he isn't the egotistical, self-centered jerk I thought he was.
How can his stupid smile suddenly make my mind melt, heart race, and palms sweat?
If I take this chance on Drew, will my perfectly laid out plans disappear?